Virtual Town Hall - 2/25, 6-7:15pm!

Cities across the country have passed local laws to reduce or eliminate barriers to housing for formerly incarcerated people - from Seattle, WA to Oakland, CA to Urbana, IL. Now, New York City advocates are fighting to pass the most progressive bill in the nation to END the use of criminal records in housing decisions (Intro 2047) and set the standard for future legislation.

At this virtual Town Hall:

  • Learn about the Fair Chance for Housing campaign & bill from City Council Members, faith leaders, and directly impacted community members

  • Get your questions answered about the bill and what it would mean for you

  • Share your experiences and ideas

  • Find out ways to get involved & take action

This is a live panel conversation and Q&A to address housing access & other human rights for people impacted by our racist criminal legal system.

All are welcome. Join us to learn more and have your voice heard!
